Deep Blue Sea 2 Movie Review

Another new sequel to a 90s film that came out of nowhere, Deep Blue Sea 2 continues the story of 1999's Deep Blue Sea. Or.. I dunno, some think this is actually a remake but either way you (blog) don't need to see the first movie to understand what's happening in this one. They made smart sharks, (blog) and the things are trying to kill them. Howe

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The Star Wars Holiday Special Movie Review

In keeping with the theme of 1 Star Wars review a month until I can make it through the whole series... it's time for the one that I must admit, several of you saw coming. The made for TV special that has a cult following in much the (blog post) same way that Manos: Hands of Fate has a cult following... Like hairy family members? Constant screaming

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It's amazing what happens in Skinned Deep 2004

Skinned Deep, an American slasher film directed by Gabriel Bartalos and released in 2004, should be highly recommended to lovers and horror fans. The Rockwell family get lost on the highway and ends finding themselves in an unorthodox family. This family is comprised of a woman and her three sons who go by the names of Brain, Plates, and Surgeon Ge

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